Sunday, August 10, 2014

so damn weak

I can't do it, I just can't hate you! What the hell was I thinking about !
I'm a bit too weak, your freaking eyes make me weak. I hate weakness, and I don’t like being weak, now go back and count how many times I've said "weak"!

I feel happy today, I want to jump, dance, laugh, scream, I want to squeeze you in my arms. Is it wrong to love someone just because you're upset about your life? Is it still love? Everyone these days think that is love, but I don't. so it's not love. I'm still trying to define this feeling, any help?

missing something? or perhaps all ?

There's something missing in my heart, a hole in my soul, how could I heal it?
You always leave me like this, staring in the blank, where your eyes shinned seconds ago, oh could I forget your eyes?!
I want to love you, but I can't, because there's no such thing as love. I believe it's just a choice, and it is .  I have to choose hate, so that I can learn to love.
I never thought about it before, but now it's different. So I'm sorry for what I'm going to do, I hope you will understand.